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Crashbots Review

Writer's picture: UnendingPainUnendingPain

Crashbots is a 3rd party strategy/shooter/puzzle game developed by Neonchimp Games (for Desktop Systems) and Sometimes You (for Consoles) is available on Steam for $9.99, $9.50 in the Xbox Store, $10.00 in the Playstation store, or $12.59 in the Nintendo Gamestore for the Switch.

Your goal? To collect, stars, energy and coins and to reach the goal. It's important to note how much energy you have as you will die should you run out. Energy is used up with every jet-pack (yes there's jet-packs), slides and firing your weapon to destroy boxes.

I was intrigued to play this, as I'm a sucker for a challenge, especially one where you get to dip and dive through lasers and other obstacles. Unfortunately my intrigue was quickly replaced with frustration as the controls on the Xbox version I reviewed were clunky at best. The angle of the camera in the game made my brain want to use up and down on the D-Pad, when really it's left or right. Also, the game gives you the ability to show lasers of your own to destroy boxes and targets, and a "Super" weapon when charged up, however, instead of going with the obvious left and right triggers for shooting, then went with the less convenient and more finger numbing left and right bumpers.

The game does supply 2 different modes for your enjoyments, staged levels or endless (to see how far you can get). The endless mode will numb your brain ( and hand ) very quickly. But those who enjoy either a great challenge or enjoy rage quitting games will be quick to love this game.

The game did have me enjoying it at first (other than the controls) but quickly got old and repetitive for my liking. After a few hours I found it to be the same thing, just different levels and enemies.

I found the stages very repetitive and hard to keep my attention for very long. However those who do love a good a good shooter may enjoy this immensely. I’d rate this game as Playable.

Unending Rating: 2/5

Check out the Trailer

UnendingPain Father, gamer, Xbox Ambassador. "If your not having fun gaming while gaming, you're doing it wrong."

To connect with UnendingPain follow him on Twitter or he can be found hanging out in XenAndCL's stream on Mixer.​

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